Monday, July 11, 2005

Summer in the City

I love Chicago in the summer.

The sun was out. Perfectly high 70's. No humidity. People everywhere with smiles on their faces. No obligations to waste the day away with.

So, along with Mr. Suave we checked out the Art Institute with a stop at Argyle for some pho. If you're new to Chicago, you have to check out the city through the trains - I think it's one of the best ways to really explore the corners of the city. Of course I checked out the photo exhibits while at the AIC. Currently on display: Spirit into the Matter: The Photographs of Edmund Teske and A View With a Room which showcased the the photographs of Abelardo Morell. Very neat to see Chicago in vintage in Edmund Teske's exhibit. Even though my knowledge of photography is small, it is growing, and I came to appreciate the effort physically and creatively that it took to produce some of these fascinating images. You must check it out.

After AIC was a bit o' shopping on the Magnificent Mile (this pic was taken on the bridge over the Chicago River) and ice cream at Ghiradelli. Yum! Also checked out the new Hershey Store. Kinda weird not seeing the old Loyola shop but overall I was underwhelmed by the whole thing. I mean it's not like you can't buy that candy at Dominicks or something. And apparently Felice was looking for me downtown and I misunderstood and we completely missed each other :/

Long day but we still checked out Dark Water. My view: wait til video. Not bad but not great either. The ending is totally whack and I think they could have cut out at least half an hour. Eh.

Sunday my first "long" drive. Hehe I drove all the way from Oshkosh to Chicago! OHHHH!

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