Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Don't Get All HR On Me

Today I accidentally touched my boss's boss's (I know grammatically incorrect) behind. Not in an entirely creepy way...totally by accident I swear! Well I guess whenever anyone touches your behind how can it not be a little bit creepy? But anyways that was not my intention! I needed something in the bottom cabinet next to the person in question. He was about to pour a sample into a jar when it starts to wobble like it was going to fall. Me, not balanced in a semi-squatting position so that I could get to the bottom cabinet, put out my hand to try to stop the jar from falling. Only thing is I kinda fell off kilter and my hand went...elsewhere... Inwardly I'm thinking "OMG...did that just happen? Crap!" and all I could say was "Ummm...sorry..." and I quickly got out of there. How fitting tomorrow I have to go to a corporate seminar on harrassment. What a day.


Sylvana said...

That's funny. The best you can do is try to laugh it off.

Were you able to use that material during the seminar?

joy said...

I pretty much cowered behind this very LARGE man avoiding my boss when the part on "No Physical Contact" came up. :)