Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Life Is What Happens When You Make Other Plans

What a weekend! In the span of three days we've got an engagement, a pregnancy and unfortunately a death.

Sunday at Samantha's BBQ, Yone says "Oh and by the way we got engaged last weekend."
To which the girls say "Whaaaa?? Let me see the ring Kenzie!"
Beautiful ring, even better proposal story. Looks like I may have two weddings to go to next year.

Monday, two old family friends randomly stop by our house to ask about my godmother's passing. We were so utterly clueless because we didn't even know that she had passed away. The weird thing is, my mom and dad had tried to visit her in her nursing home Saturday and the receptionist cruelly joked about her passing away. So not funny - but here we were trying to find out details about her actual death. Sad but no one even knew when she had passed only that it had happened.

And today, Tuesday, I get an email from Nirups in my work account. As soon as I saw it, I had a feeling this was going to be something big. Lo and behold she's 13 weeks along! Crazy! I'm thinking about back in the day when the all the girlies first met in high school and here is the first one of us to have a little one of her own.


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