Friday, July 08, 2005


I'm so excited! I love my little Canon S410 but I've gotten bored lately with my trusty little point and shooter and was looking for something to change it up a little bit.

So I'm thinking my new weapon of choice is going to be the Lomo Kompakt Automat or the lc-a.

I want to experiment more and am really diggin the vintage dreamy look of lomography. The lc-a is not at all like modern digital cameras. It's quite the opposite. With Russian origins,the lc-a has a plain black plastic frame and uses regular film. Yup that's right, I'm gonna use a film based camera again. Gasp! But I think it's worth it. One plus lomo cameras are considerably cheaper. However when you consider how low tech it is, it better be cheap. My first stop was and there was where I first saw the lc-a. Apparently it is the thing to get but the price was a sticking point for me. Although I spent more for my digicam I wasn't willing to shell out $300+ for another camera I was experimenting with. Using I considered buying a Holga with a starter kit or a Colorsplash, but according to flickr peeps the lc-a is the one to get and to get it from Ebay. I took a peek and it looks like it's $100 or less so it's much cheaper than Sooo that's where I'm gonna start...ohhhh! I can't wait!

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