Friday, July 22, 2005

Quick List

1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
A bit on the weird side but gets a thumbs up from me.

2. Making a quick switch from Love (see previous post) to the much anticipated Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Tried to wait but was convinced by Josh to do otherwise. Seeing as it's supposed to be the hottest weekend of the year, I might stay in and try to finish it off in a couple days...

3. Random rant: I hate when passive aggressive individuals take their crap out on me. Please don't try to make me feel bad about myself so that you feel better about yourself. Especially when I am trying to be nice to you when no one else will. It's really annoying that you think I'm too dumb to know what your real intentions are. Take your insecurities and STUFF IT. Thank you.


Justin said...

The language of García Márquez's short stories are as lush as his longer work. "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" is no less beautiful for its being "A tale for children." I understand this to imply more magic, which may ease the transition from Potter.

joy said...

I am just beginning to discover Garcia Marquez and can't wait to read more of his excellent work. Potter is looking to be a short detour - had to get it over with, too many people talking about it around me and I didn't want to know any details until I read it myself. Thanks for the suggestion :)

Christopher Trottier said...

I agree. Passive aggression sucks.