Monday, October 17, 2005


And Monday is officially....OVER.

Thank God. Today was one of those I-want-to-quit-my-job-why-can't-I-find-a-rich-man-to-marry-days. My dream is to tell a certain employer at work to EFF OFF and just walk out that door without so much as a glance back. One of these days I tell ya' of these days...

Weekend highlights: Having the sis home for the week, cheap eats (Seven Treasures dumpling soup, Superdawg @ 1am, Potbelly's, Balingit's hopia), Pilobolus with M, and hanging w/ The Doctor at the Vic.

Strangest experience: Aforementioned Vic experience. The concert was for Son Volt, who together with Wilco previously formed Uncle Tupelo. Not quite my music taste but I was willing to give it a try for a friend. First of all the concert was sponsored by WXRT which automatically made us the youngest ones there. Second of all, this was by far the most un-crazy concert I have ever been too. Even on the main floor everyone gave their neighbors space and no one stood up in the seating area. I came lightly dressed 'cause I was expecting it to be super hot like at the Weez/Foo concert but I was freezing since no one was moving around. Another weird thing, a long line for the men's restroom and no line for the women's. What the? That never ever happens. All in all, not a bad show - I love live music in any form. Doesn't matter if it's a mad techno dj spinning crazy beats, a bluesy guitarist or a pop star.

Mantra to help me get through the week: One day closer to the weekend, one day closer to the weekend...


Anonymous said...

that reminds me of the time my buddy convinced me to go see blue oyster cult at the skyline stage... we were the youngest people there by probably 30 years... it was hilarious, and also the first concert i had EVER been to where more than half the audience was sitting.

I had a horrible day too--I was just reading this article about 'interruption management' in the times yesterday--which was ironic considering my entire day was a string of interruptions.

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes it is also my master plan to find a rich woman to marry. We can all dream right?

joy said...

Omg, 'Lith, interruptions are a HUGE pet peeve of mine at work. I can have my whole day, week mapped out and the majority of it gets thrown out the window with how much people bug me at work. So annoying!

However X, I'm willing to forego the rich man route if I win Powerball this week ;)

Anonymous said...

You didn't have to take statistics classes to be a scientist?

joy said...

hehe why yes i did. and while bell curves and sigmas tell you what's most likely to happen it also says the most unlikely event is still within the realm of possibility. although, at the rate i am going the possibility of finding a rich dude to marry is about the same as winning powerball....

Anonymous said...

i guess i cant believe the yahoo personal's banner ad i saw the other day that proudly proclaimed 'GOLDDIGGING IS ON THE DECLINE' in 64 point font... heh.