Sunday, October 02, 2005

It's All In the Finish

Saturday was a no good rotten day.
Everything went wrong. EVERYTHANG. Add to that caffeine
withdrawal snarkiness and you have one very irritable girl. The one good thing: seeing another performance from Hubbard Street's fall engagement. I love this dance troupe (which I've blogged about before) and have seen them perform every season for the past few years. They didn't disappoint this time around with Kiss and Gnawa as standouts. Cheryl Mann and Tobin Del Cuore were perfectly paired again in Kiss which will leave you feeling as swept up in emotion as the dancers literally are in this aerial dance. The definition of sensual. Gnawa was the perfect finish. I've become a big fan of Nacho Duato's work through HSDC. Duato has perfected the art of combining organic beats with lush fluid movements that always yields beautiful results. Soooo check out some clips of these performances along with some others and make sure you see them in the spring, 'k?

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