Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ah, Weddings...

Weddings. In some strange way I still can't believe we're old enough to get married. It's probably because the groupies have all known each other since high school so that's how we see each other - the same old kids we were back then. Some peeps we don't see too much of anymore so weddings have become the place to catch up on everything. Time really does fly by so fast. The now Mrs. Bahk was gorgeous in her dress and the now Mrs. Mathew is 7 months along. Crazy! One surprising thing...the music was actually really good. Turns out the dj spins downtown in clubs. I knew once he broke out The Percolator it was over for me. He went all the way back to school dances in the gym with that one. All that was missing was that nifty Tetris mix and I would have been complete. Me and my weakness for 90's music...It was a very good night...


Anonymous said...

So did Carag score any hot chicks?

joy said...

what do you think? ;P
freakin' Salvadork! i found all these candy wrappers in my purse when i got home!