Thursday, October 06, 2005

I Don't Think My Grandma Would Like Them Either

Look at this snazzy, jazzy shoe!

Yes, that is SARCASM. My coworker and myself were told yesterday that people in the plant have a problem with us not wearing steel toed shoes while on the production floor. No problem, I said. I'll wear them - the company covers most of the cost anyways so I'm not going to fuss. Only thing they they have to look like my grandma's orthepedic shoes? I'm on the smaller side, so these guys swallow up my feet and look like big 'ole clown kicks. Oh lovely fugliness...


Anonymous said...

I used to have to wear steel toes when I worked at a civil engineering lab. At the time 'high tops' were still in style, so I managed to find this company that made a pair of steel toed high tops.

Then one day i forgot that I had them on when I was going to pick up a friend at the airport.

Thankfully it was pre-911 so they let me through after a very complete scan.

joy said...

Thankfully I settled on a pair that looked more like chunky loafers rather than these ugly things.
Oddly enough I'm actually kinda liking them now...I think they're gonna come in handy at the next general admission concert I go to...Idiot me wore flip flops the to the Foo Fighters show - yeah, not going to do that again!

Anonymous said...

haha, handy for self defense too since its doubtful that someone would be expecting that kind of a payload on the end of your shoe.

i see that you've located my LJ... sneaky ;)

joy said...

Hope you don't mind! I'm pretty cool with whoever wants to leave a message but I'm not sure how other people perceive comments from random peeps on the internet. Eek - dont want to seem creepy! :)

Anonymous said...

nah, dont mind at all--especially since you actually bothered to look at my photos which is more than i can say about 90% of the people on my LJ 'friends' list... hehe.

Although for the record I think I was the one that started randomly commenting first ;)