Saturday, October 29, 2005

Another Day, Another Concert

This time it was the Black Eyed Peas and Gwen Stefani at the Allstate Arena. Since this week pretty much sucked ass I wasn't as up for this as much as I usually am for concerts. But once I heard the music I got totally pumped! Turned out to be the best way to put an end to the week. The BEP set was too short though - 45 mins! Last time I heard them at HOB they played a nice long set and I was at the front of the stage highfive-ing them all during the concert. It was nice :) Pics, of course, are up at flickr.


Anonymous said...

Once again awesome concert! I love our concert pictures. :) Can't wait for the next show...

joy said...

It's all you! Thank God you are tall and have a steady hand...otherwise my pics would be of lots of heads. :) We might be actually done with concerts for a while huh? Crazy October is almost finished...