Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Finally opened me up a last.fm account. Don't know why it took me so dang long. I listen to all sorts of stuff so it'll be neat to see how it all plays out in numbers. So yes, another place where you can see what makes this girl tick. Lately I've been feeling the fall groove and have been listening to
oooold songs. Tonite, some campy music is on the playlist (yay Chihuahua!) but Miles and his Kind of Blue album are gonna finish off the nite. That is, if I ever get to bed. Been having problems sleeping lately...but that's another story ;P.

Hmmmm...been hearing a lot about this. Looks like I'm gonna postpone the iPod nano purchase.


Anonymous said...

yes my nano is scratched to hell already and i just keep it in my pocket... my friend gave me a very good tip though--apparently braso polishes all the scratches out so it looks like new, so i'm gonna have to try that.

joy said...

Not a bad idea - the purchase may be back on if that works... I love how they're so thin but I'm still likely to snap'em in half.

Anonymous said...

i donno some people have had the problems with the cracked screens--i keep mine in the change pocket of my jeans and aside from scratching i haven't had any other problems with it--great device and well worth the money if i can fix the scratches.