Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hello Wednesday

1. Why is it that on a day when I had more sleep than usual and took the time to eat a well balanced breakfast, people asked me “Are you sick?” or “What’s wrong? You look terrible!” I must have looked like ass today. Maybe I should have gone the usual sleep deprived, fueled by black coffee route. Perhaps then I would have been a bit more cheery.

2. Switching gears...I’m a big fan of the Chicago dance scene. If you are too, check out – it’s a great resource to start seeing all the dance companies Chicago has to offer. My favorite? Hubbard Street Dance Co. Beauty in motion… If you're interested, have a look at the current repertoire. Some of my faves: Tabula Rasa, Cor Perdut, Kiss, and No More Play.

3. Wedding in a month – I need a dress!!! Almost as nerve-wracking as swimsuit shopping. It is so hard to find something decent for a small curvy thing like me. How about these? Too boring, too dark?

Eh, I'm not feelin' these either...Oh well the quest continues...

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