Thursday, September 29, 2005

How Do You Like Dem Apples?

I want apple pie. A country style freshly baked one with just the right amount of cinnamon and lots of butter in the crust. Mmmmm...That's what autumn does to me. Had an awesome piece o' pie last weekend at Almost Home in Greencastle. The crust practically melted in your mouth. I think the clouds parted and the sun shone straight on me the moment I put that first bite in my mouth.

Then this morning the Wayne's Weekend segment on NBC5 was all apple: apple cider, apple cider pound cake and of course caramel apples. Oh my goo-ness. The craving starts again. Had the apple waffles from Autumn House this morning in a feeble attempt to substitute for pie. Close but no cigar. Hehe good thing I'm going to the Long Grove Apple Fest this weekend. I'm gonna stuff myself with all things apple, especially the apple donuts. Soooo good....

But in the meantime...
Yaaaawn...soooo sleepy...

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