Sunday, February 05, 2006

Leavin' On a Jet Plane

Saturday I got my hair did and chopped off three inches of hair. Isn't it bouffant-y looking? Every time an Eastern European woman does my hair, they inevitably style it like this. Ugh, I always feel like a small town news anchorwoman.

I generally feel hesitation whenever I get a haircut. This probably stems from the first time I got my hair cut from someone else besides my mother when I was a kid. Just in time for 2nd grade school pictures, this guy cuts my hair and I end up looking, like well a guy. I was all excited too because I finally got to have my hair cut by a pro and when I saw he cut off way too much hair, I just about cried right there in the chair. Hehe, yeah that's always stuck with me. Nowadays it isn't quite that bad. But my last bad experience was a couple years ago when this lady gave me highlights, assuring me the whole time it would look natural. Instead I came out practically freakin' BLONDE. I was so shocked when I saw my reflection and it took me more than a year to grow that crap out!

But anyways, I had to get the haircut 'cause I'm on my way to Cincinnati on the corporate jet for a meeting with the big research and development honchos of the organization. Can't be looking scrubby now can I? No real work til Wednesday...yay!

2 really quick reviews: I love my coffee. I scoff at the instant stuff and favor local cafes usually going for full bodied dark roasts with just milk and no sugar. If I see an Intellegentsia sign, I'm so there because I know the coffee will be perfect. So on Saturday I took a tour of their roasting facility with Wongthip. They give you background on where they get their beans, take you around their offices and tasting rooms and roast beans right in front of you on their old fashioned german machines. Four coffee blends are waiting for you to sample upon your arrival and you leave with half a pound of the coffee they just roasted. Pretty cool.

After that we headed over to Fat Willy's in my old 'hood Logan Square. I've been waiting to try this place out and it didn't disappoint. With all the snow falling yesterday, I was in the mood for something warm and substantial so me and Wongthip shared a beef brisket sandwich, jalapeno corn fritters and a hot brownie toppped with ice cream and whipped cream. Omg...per-fec-tion. I will definitely go back.

Alrighty I have to wake up in 5 hours so I should prolly get to bed now :p


Anonymous said...

I used to go to Fat Willy's on Tuesdays and park @ AMC for free! The only gripe I have about the place is that they never... *NEVER* have the beef brisket available when I stop in and eat there. They always sell out.

;__; *tear

Anyway, have fun on your trip! If you need any tips on what's going on in Cincin, I have some very good friends that could recommend some things. It's a pretty photogeic city too, don't forget your camera!


Anonymous said...

Ooh! Corporate jet! Ok Joy who did you sleep with? ;)

Have fun in Cincy!

LOL! I like how you call her Wongthip.