Saturday, February 18, 2006


Good mornin'.

It's freezing outside! If I don't let the cold get to me I might check out If Trane Wuz Here at the Theater Building Chicago this weekend. Savion Glover and Coltrane? Looks good - I so wanna go!

Oh and, SpyBot Search and Destroy and Firefox are my new best friends. My computer is back to normal - yay! Thanks for your help guys - no more grosso pop-ups of casino websites or ladies in Lombard looking for "love". :)


In other serious matters - we have two contenders for the annual bff trip! Three years ago it started with San Francisco. The next year we flew across the pond to London and the rest of the United Kingdom. And last year horseback riding in the jungle was on the itinerary in sunny Mexico. For 2006, we have


or Greece

What do you think? Both places look awesome. Photo credits go to Kelly McCracken (Kalloosh on Flickr) for the Italy picture and Joe Reid (Fianna on Flickr as well) for the Greece picture. Side note - check out the rest of McCracken's photostream. The things she does with her holga are just amazing. What I love about her style is that dreamy, timeless quality that is consistent in her pictures. It's definitely worth a visit and hey, she's from Chicago too!

Watch us end up in Peru trekking up some mountainside in search of Machu Picchu (which is also on my life to-do list). Last year we were thinking Hawaii or Italy for destinations, but somehow we ended up in Mexico. Hehe, go figure. I can't wait to pack up and see where the world will take us next...

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