Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I love it when I come up with a new product at work and then someone tastes it and literally says:

"Hot damn that was some good shit!"


Monday, February 27, 2006

So I Was Bored At Work...

It's funny what guys think girls like. I was blogsurfing and somehow ended up on Yahoo Personals (long story, not going into it here :) - it started with someone at work). This is what some guys will do to hook themselves a lady friend:

-If the guy was in the military at any point in his life - HE WILL WEAR HIS UNIFORM IN HIS PROFILE PIC. 'Cause you know, girls just love a man in a uniform. This also applies to policemen and firefighters. Note to guys who pose with their guns: THAT LOOKS HELLA SCARY TO GIRLS.

-If the guy is a firefighter, the tagline in his profile will be some sort of regurgitation of "I'm a lonely firefigher looking for his flame". Lame.

-The guy will post pics of himself surrounded by either small children (tends to be multiple kids or else prospective mates will think he has fathered a child on the side) or some sort of cute fuzzy animal. This screams "See how loving and sensitive I can be?".

-The guy may post pics of himself next to a badass car. Lesson to the fellas - if you decide to post your salary and it's a bit on the low side, I'm not going to believe you drive a Jaguar. Another variation, parking the car in front of a cool building. That's fine and all but I think it's funny when you notice they're in a yellow zone so it looks like they pretty much emergency parked the car, jumped out for the pic and jumped back in for a quick getaway.

See told you I was bored...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Yay - Drew and Cheryl won!
They kicked arse on the free dance Thursday.

Man that girl is so brown.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Striated What?

Today I was checking the specifications on some red jalapeno powder I plan on using in a new product. There was a heading entitled "Extraneous Matter" meaning other stuff you might find mixed in with the pepper powder. This is what was listed under that category:

Insect fragments: 50 per 25g maximum
Striated animal hairs: 6 per 25g maximum

Whoa. Good to know there's a limit on how many insect pieces and animal hairs there are in my food. It kinda seems high to me anyways. I can understand the insect pieces but animal hair? Where the heck is that coming from? I find out goodies like this every day at work. The canned soup you eat has bug pieces in it too, well basically anything that contains vegetables will have bugs in it because there is no way to completely eliminate them but there is an acceptable level. Did you know there is an acceptable amount of mold and other microbial growth in your food as well? And don't get me started on the chemicals that are in no fat foods. Yeah...just what you wanted to know huh? :) Some food for thought.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

All It Takes Is Chocolate, Really

I found this to be interesting on Gapers Block today. When asked "How old are you anyway?", these 2 responses caught my eye.

"In four months i will be 27.
twenty-seven! twenty-seven! the greying has begun! the twisted ankle is STILL not healed! the fertility has become an unexpected topic of discussion! the friends are now beginning to marry! the desire to own a house has arisen! twenty-seven, the year in which i tell aging that if the house is a-rocking, it should not bother knocking; it should, rather, enter at will."

Wait, is that right? I always have to think about it.
It's like the faux-adult age. Some peeps are getting hitched, some are buying places (meee!), some are birthing. But no one's doing all 3 things. We're just testing out being grownups. "

And I thought I was the only one that felt this way. When I was a kid, being 25/26 years old seemed so much more mature than it really is. I feel like I'm still a kid! I thought I would have a lot more things figured out at this point but I'm still clueless. Some people have a 5 year plan and lucky them they stick to it. Me, I have no idea what I may do tomorrow, much less 5 years from now. It's exciting and scary all at the same time. Some days you're on top of the world, you've got family, friends, a good job etc. Things couldn't be more perfect! Other days something doesn't feel right. Am I doing what I'm meant to do? Am I truly happy? Today was one of those days. So what did I do? I ate all of this in one sitting:

I immediately felt much better! One of the best parts about being a 20-something is that chocolate can fix damn near anything still.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Good mornin'.

It's freezing outside! If I don't let the cold get to me I might check out If Trane Wuz Here at the Theater Building Chicago this weekend. Savion Glover and Coltrane? Looks good - I so wanna go!

Oh and, SpyBot Search and Destroy and Firefox are my new best friends. My computer is back to normal - yay! Thanks for your help guys - no more grosso pop-ups of casino websites or ladies in Lombard looking for "love". :)


In other serious matters - we have two contenders for the annual bff trip! Three years ago it started with San Francisco. The next year we flew across the pond to London and the rest of the United Kingdom. And last year horseback riding in the jungle was on the itinerary in sunny Mexico. For 2006, we have


or Greece

What do you think? Both places look awesome. Photo credits go to Kelly McCracken (Kalloosh on Flickr) for the Italy picture and Joe Reid (Fianna on Flickr as well) for the Greece picture. Side note - check out the rest of McCracken's photostream. The things she does with her holga are just amazing. What I love about her style is that dreamy, timeless quality that is consistent in her pictures. It's definitely worth a visit and hey, she's from Chicago too!

Watch us end up in Peru trekking up some mountainside in search of Machu Picchu (which is also on my life to-do list). Last year we were thinking Hawaii or Italy for destinations, but somehow we ended up in Mexico. Hehe, go figure. I can't wait to pack up and see where the world will take us next...

Monday, February 13, 2006


What an interesting way to document your family's progress. This project spans thirty years solely in pictures.


When we came back from Cinci, I noticed there was a speck of mold on some bread Rick had set aside for quick lunches. So I asked him, "You want me to throw this away?" I could tell by the look on his face he didn't really want to and that he thought the bread was worth salvaging. But once I see any sign of mold on food I won't go near it so I gave him this disbelieving "I can't believe you would still eat this" look. He reluctantly gave in and threw it out.

Fast forward. I brought some porkchops to lunch. It was a bit heavy so I reached for some rye bread we had up on a shelf above Rick's desk. I opened the bag up, took two slices and proceeded to eat my lunch. Then Rick says "I think I'm gonna make a sandwich." I hear him open up the bag of bread, then....silence. Finally he says "Ummm did you check the bread before you ate it?"

Oh bloody hell. I turn around and the entire friggin' loaf is covered in mold. Not just any mold but heavy multi-colored growth. OMG!!! What have I eaten??? Rick, of course had this satisfied smirk on his face.

Rick: "And you wanted me throw away..."
Rick: "I'm just saying..."
Me: "I MEAN IT!!!"

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Hola. :)

I need more of this. I just want to hop on a plane, go to some far off land and disappear for a week. I'm really kicking myself for not taking a pic when we first took off for Cinci. We were approaching downtown and the sun was just starting to rise. The good 'ole skyline came into view and just then the sun broke out, bathing the city and the horizon in this creamy pink/orange light. Now that is the proper way to start the day! We live in such a truly beautiful city.

The next few days were pretty chill. Ah...corporate culture. Have a few meetings, schmooze, have an all out dinner and retire to your king bed in your huge suite for the night. Sleep and repeat the next day. Even better, you don't have to pay for anything. I wish we did this more often...

Work quickly piled up as soon as I got back but it was nothing that a dinner out with the girls couldn't fix. We headed out to de cero's on Randolph and although it was good, it was the most I have ever spent on Mexican food! Geez, I had two pork tomatillo tacos, a blazin' hot goat cheese tamale, and washed it down with a tamarind margarita all to the tune of $30! This would have cost me less than 10 bucks at Los Arcos for something comparable but I guess that's the price that comes with the atmosphere.

Yay - the weekend is here. I'm out for more good eats and good company...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Leavin' On a Jet Plane

Saturday I got my hair did and chopped off three inches of hair. Isn't it bouffant-y looking? Every time an Eastern European woman does my hair, they inevitably style it like this. Ugh, I always feel like a small town news anchorwoman.

I generally feel hesitation whenever I get a haircut. This probably stems from the first time I got my hair cut from someone else besides my mother when I was a kid. Just in time for 2nd grade school pictures, this guy cuts my hair and I end up looking, like well a guy. I was all excited too because I finally got to have my hair cut by a pro and when I saw he cut off way too much hair, I just about cried right there in the chair. Hehe, yeah that's always stuck with me. Nowadays it isn't quite that bad. But my last bad experience was a couple years ago when this lady gave me highlights, assuring me the whole time it would look natural. Instead I came out practically freakin' BLONDE. I was so shocked when I saw my reflection and it took me more than a year to grow that crap out!

But anyways, I had to get the haircut 'cause I'm on my way to Cincinnati on the corporate jet for a meeting with the big research and development honchos of the organization. Can't be looking scrubby now can I? No real work til Wednesday...yay!

2 really quick reviews: I love my coffee. I scoff at the instant stuff and favor local cafes usually going for full bodied dark roasts with just milk and no sugar. If I see an Intellegentsia sign, I'm so there because I know the coffee will be perfect. So on Saturday I took a tour of their roasting facility with Wongthip. They give you background on where they get their beans, take you around their offices and tasting rooms and roast beans right in front of you on their old fashioned german machines. Four coffee blends are waiting for you to sample upon your arrival and you leave with half a pound of the coffee they just roasted. Pretty cool.

After that we headed over to Fat Willy's in my old 'hood Logan Square. I've been waiting to try this place out and it didn't disappoint. With all the snow falling yesterday, I was in the mood for something warm and substantial so me and Wongthip shared a beef brisket sandwich, jalapeno corn fritters and a hot brownie toppped with ice cream and whipped cream. Omg...per-fec-tion. I will definitely go back.

Alrighty I have to wake up in 5 hours so I should prolly get to bed now :p