Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Hey all-back for the new year. What day is today? With all these random days off for the holidays, I've been kinda disoriented time-wise. For the past two weeks I'd wake up and wonder do I go to work today? I always have a hard time wrapping my mind around accepting a new year. Another year has passed so quickly with more weddings, more babies getting born and more old people event things. Crazy!
I was resolved to write meaningful posts this year. Posts of importance, posts of substance! So I tried to do that today and...I got nothin'! So posts about meaningless crap it is. :)
No work today, so I tried to do some after Christmas/New Years clearance shopping, hence the Pier One mirror shot. Nothing much to speak of left which may be a good thing because I am thinking about getting this:

I want this camera.

I need this camera.

It's the Canon Digital Rebel 350D XT. I could really go for the Canon 20D, but for the money and my experience level, I think the 350D is the way to go. I've been looking to move up to a dslr for a while and Canon is having a rebate promotion going on until January 15th where you can get up to 3 times the rebate amount back depending on the items you buy. So should I take the plunge? The holidays have left my wallet hurting but when can I get the camera any cheaper? Oh dilemmas, dilemmas. Don't even get me started on what lens(es) to get. I've been doing research and it looks like it's practically a crime to not get the 50mm/1.4. I'm just wondering if it's going to work as a "walk around" lens for me.

The last time I had an slr in my hands was probably high school so I've been itching to get my hands on one again. My lil p&s has been loyal to me and it will still be my "take everywhere" camera but I think the 350D will give me that extra bit of freedom I'm looking for in composing shots. The past year has largely been about dusting off old hobbies as a result some of my pics have been featured in some other places - nothing huge and I'm not quitting my dayjob, but it's a neato feeling when someone asks for your permission to use your stuff. :) So hopefully more of the same in 2006. Here's to doing what makes you happy!


Anonymous said...

"Here's to doing what makes you happy!"

You answered your own question! Splurge baby, splurge!


Anonymous said...

But Joy, blogs are suppose to be posts about meaningless crap. Why else would people read them?

I think you should definitely get the SLR... If you buy one I might buy one too. I'm such a biter. ;)

joy said...

-hersch, you are so convincing! hehe must...not...reach...for...master card...

-matt - thanks so much for the advice. flickr boards are saying all different things...dude I'm kinda lost here - what other lenses do you suggest?

-xin - do it! c'mon, c'mon, c'mom!!!...ummm no pressure though :p