Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Million Little Lies?

Like countless other people, I bought A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, today at Barnes in fact, after watching a compelling Oprah show. Then I find this from The Smoking Gun. I'm thinkin' Oprah's not too pleased.


Anonymous said...

I read the book and the article from TSG. Personally I don't really care if his story is true or not. To me it was just an entertaining story. When I finished the book I was questioning some of the stuff in the book before I even read the TSG article. The ending seemed all too hollywood to me and other things seemed a little crazy. I guess for those people who idolize him and use his book as an inspiration they might have issues with him lying. It was just entertainment for me. What do you think?

joy said...

I’m with you on the entertainment aspect. It struck me as an interesting story from the O show and that’s why I was drawn to reading the book. I admit though, it did take a little bit of the shine off the whole story.

I just feel bad for all the truly troubled people who sought refuge in his book. They prob feel, on some level, lied to which doesn't help with their volatile situations to begin with.

It's good reading in any case and I won't be one of those people looking for a refund.