Monday, January 16, 2006

Even Target Can't Fix This

Usually a visit to Target makes me ridiculously happy. I always go there with the intention of buying a few random things like shampoo or lotion but I leave with a cart's worth of impulse buys. Every time!!! Why does everything have to be so dang pretty and cheap??? Did I really need that that pair of brown suede flats, that mini console deluxe travel cooler and warmer, or that cylinder of cinnamon pecan caramel corn? But that packaging is just so appealing...

But I digress. Today me, Pepito and Emerson stopped by Target after work and after doing the usual damage we're wheeling the cart to my car when we see it.

Running down the diameter of my spare tire's shell is a LONG and DEEP scratch. Nooooo!!! My car is only 6 months old and already it is scarred. Dangit. I was so pissed. 1. The scratch was not there yesterday and 2. The little sis had my car all day today. Grrrr...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your car. I wanted you to know that due to your excellent post, I walked around the entire store with a cylinder of cinnamon pecan caramel corn in my arms.

I didn't get it because my present company was allergic to nuts and I didn't want to rub it in. :)

I did come away with some green tea, so it wasn't a total loss.



joy said...

I'm always happy to share the Target love! Did you only get green tea? You're so good! I can't seem to leave Target with less than 5 unplanned purchases. :p