Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Miles Davis Kind of Day

Listening To:
It Never Entered My Mind
By: Miles Davis Quintet

Have you ever heard this song? Total ear candy... From the first dreamy roll of the piano keys to the lush and emotional saxophone it sucks you in, transporting your mind to a world where nothing exists except that moment. Time slows once this song plays and you can't help but feel every pleasurable melodic second.

That's the kind of day it's been. After lunchtime the skies turned dark with the coming storms. The offices were abuzz but as soon as the rain started to fall, it quieted down and by each desk everyone had their mellow playlists on. I called my sister to check on my package (the camera finally came today! yay!) and she had fallen asleep. Later on the rain had cleared but left the air heavy with humidity. The three of us went to run errands, but when we returned home the setting sun along with the damp air cast a yellow tint on everything. It was like seeing the world through sepia lenses. It felt so very still like something was about to happen any second. Very strange moment. Nothing did happen but we felt compelled to run with the mood. Felice was playing Moonlight Sonata on the piano while I quietly did the dishes. My dad didn't claim his usual tv time and instead listened to the music as well. Afterwards I retreated upstairs and put on some Miles and Norah to put the finish on this quiet summer night.

1 comment:

joy said...

I fell in love with this song as soon as I heard it. I need to figure out how to post the song here so that others can enjoy the Miles Davis experience...