Friday, July 29, 2005

~ 1 Year Ago In London

About one year ago, Mich and I were in London.

With everything that has happened lately, it's hard to believe that the city we see in the news is the same cosmopolitan gem we visited last year. London was so very exciting. It was our first real trip out of the country, no parents or family, just us, free to explore anywhere and everywhere we pleased. We took in the usual sites, Trafalgar Square, Buck Palace, Tower of London, The Eye, etc. but what proved most fascinating to me was people watching. I loved dissecting whatever cultural differences there were bewtween English and American lives down to candy options, what was in fashion, mannerisms and accents (people are SO much more polite there)...even their subway systems. Very good times, although also very ludicrous exchange rates! I always tell people how I paid $10 USD for a Burger King Value Meal half the size of the American version. Ugh.

I was looking at old pics tonite and came across this one taken while on a Thames River tour. We were happily rolling along the river absorbing everything we could on our last day in the city. Then when we turned around to make the return trip everyone gasped because upon making the turn we realized we were going straight into a storm. The skies turned black and heavy and you knew you better find some shelter and FAST. Finally the skies opened and down fell the rain but it didn't matter. We plugged along and I found that a rainy day in London has a special charm to it anyways. Before long the sun broke through and all returned to normal. That's kinda what I feel about the whole present London situation. Madness exists right now but brighter days are ahead. You have to plug through the storm first before it can get better. But enough of the cheesiness - just wanted to say hope everyone's doing ok across the pond.


Princess Pessimism said...

I dont even know how I came to find you and your blog, but i flipped through all your archives....and have to tell you, you're pictures are stunning.

I dont know what it is about they just happen to be more places where things turn out to be beautiful? OR do they see things in ways that no one else does.

I'll link your page to mine, to make sure other people see your amazing pictures

joy said...

Thanks so much princess pessimism!

I really enjoy taking pics and it's great when someone notices. About photographers, I think it's a combination of both. To me, the world is different when viewed through a lens. I'm a newbie to the whole photography scene, but I'm having an awesome time learning the craft. Thanks for stopping by. :)