Saturday, March 11, 2006

It's Amazing What A Little Sun Does

Best things about today:
Looking at my WeatherBug and seeing 69F. Going outside with a light jacket. Feeling hot with the aforementioned jacket. Watching Jawon run free around the hospital playroom as soon as his IV tubes were removed. Chasing Jawon with the yellow booties he refused to wear. Toni asking me "Where did you get those cute shoes!". Driving down the Kennedy with my windows open and music blasting. All the people dressed in green getting their St. Patty's Day celebrations on down in Lincoln Park. Picking up a coconut tapioca freeze from Joy Yee's. Long conversations on the phone. Having all the windows open in the house. Napping to the summer sounds of cars passing and kids laughing because the windows were open. Realizing it is not so dark anymore at 6pm. Finally watching Motorcycle Diaries.

The best thing today - my uncle's application for a visa has finally gotten processed after 17 years so cousins may soon be coming over from the muthaland. This is so very cool for me because it has only been me, my sister and my parents in the US my entire life. I might finally have some family here.


Anonymous said...

I'm about to blog yesterday too... but I just had to say that it was BEAUTIFUL out. I left the house @ 10AM and didn't come home until late.

The lake was the perfect temperature too! YAY Chicago!


Anonymous said...

Yes it was nice this weekend. I got the first bike ride on the lake front this saturday!

joy said...

Very nice guys!
Don't you love that spring feeling? I cannot wait til spring finally comes to stay. Today was a 'lil too cold for me. :(