Sunday, March 05, 2006

10 Bucks Goes a Long Way

...when you're shopping in Argyle. I headed over there yesterday to get some genmai cha tea (brown rice tea) from Tai Nam and of course I have to pick up some goodies at Chiu Quon Bakery. With 10 dollars I got 2 pork buns, 2 sweet top bean paste buns, 3 bean paste cakes, 6 sticky rice balls, and a tray of rice cakes. So this morning I enjoyed the spoils.

Dude Tai Nam's like Joy Yee's - it's one of those places where you know you're going to run into someone from high school or college shopping with their family, or at least their tiny asian grandma. And they fit a lot of merchandise in a teeny tiny space. Only in asian stores are you going to find obscure things like artichoke and bittermelon tea. The foodie in me can spend way too much time in these places. Well I would have yesterday if I wasn't followed by a creep that worked there. Talk about aggressive, he kept tailing me throughout the store and even whispered hello in my ear as he was walking by. Eek! I attract winners I tell ya. But shopping (usually) makes me happy. :)


Anonymous said...

Pork buns = BBQ pork buns? I think you just sparked a craving in my stomach Joy... I might even brave the snow and make a trip to pick some up!


Anonymous said...

jose, i apologize for my behavior at tai nam. next time i will just follow you and try not to whisper.

p.s. i love how these things happe to you all the time!

joy said...

-Do it Hersch! It's soooo worth it! :)

-Oh Samantha...this guy almost beats the dude at work with his momma's name tattooed on his neck who had a thing for me for a while. He was a bold one too - he blasted the spanish version of "Obsession" in the parking lot for me as I was trying to get to my car. Now that one's a real keeper ;)