Monday, November 21, 2005

I Was Always a Quirky One

I used to love doing that on our chairs in the living room. Even back then I had a thing for the color red and I always felt extra sassy with my red tights on. Hehe, yeah had too much fun going through old family pics today...I'm determined to dig up some more of my favorites from the oldies vault soon. However the pics from ages 10-15 will be mercifully absent in an attempt to forget the "awkward" years. I can't believe my mother let me out of the house looking the way I did. Thank God I grew into my teeth. :)

In years past, Thanksgiving didn't rank too high on my list of favorite holidays. Turkey, the usual family parties, all of it seemed so routine and un-special. But this year I've changed my ways. With my family now all over the place, it's become such a rare thing to have us all together, much less for four straight days. So this weekend is gonna be extra nice for me with everyone coming back into Chicago. I spent a long while looking at old pictures in the family album tonite and I have to say, I miss my crazy mixed up family.

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