Sunday, November 27, 2005

Bewitched, Body and Soul

After doing some after-Thanksgiving shopping, my family decided to make it a girls movie day and we headed out to watch Pride and Prejudice . Well, not exactly. We really intended to see either Rent or Walk the Line, but when we arrived we found that we had just missed both movies by ten minutes and one was full anyways. By default P and P won out but I’m glad we saw it. Chick flick indeed! Ah, the British. Those accents, the buttoned up propriety. Conversation becomes an art form because one’s real intentions lie in what is not said rather than what is plainly stated and that makes for some clever mind games. I’m more of a Gabriel Garcia Marquez follower rather than a Jane Austen fan, but the traditional romantic in me *swooned* and I felt all warm and fuzzy once the movie was done. Afterwards snowcovered sidewalks and light flakes met us as we exited the theater. I pulled my coat closer around me, looked up at the flakes falling from the sky and I couldn’t help but smile.’s over. Hittin’ the road to Oshkosh and Greencastle.
Everyone’s going back. :(

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