Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Recap

The weekend is over already? It's never long enough in my humble opinion.

With work crazy busy last week, it was great to see everyones faces at the mini LT reunion Friday @ Sushi Luxe. To think, we've all known each other since high school and have gone through college, first jobs, weddings and now kids together. ::Sniff, sniff:: Awww, we're growing up guys. But hehe we may not be there yet. If I hear one more thing about WoW...WoW has taken a hold over many of the groupies. I'm trying to resist going to the darkside...but I can't help but want to try it once.
Check out my flaming plate of sushi:

Behold, the red scorpion roll: soft shell crab with spicy mayo topped with tuna. Very good! It's a little difficult to see the flames in the pic but believe me, my plate turned heads when they brought it to me.

And guess who I saw at Children's Memorial on Saturday? Yup, Eric and Kathy from 101.9 The Mix:

They were holding the annual radio-a-thon to raise money for the hospital. $2 million+ to be (sorta) exact. Go Eric and Kathy! I was too tired to stay 'til the end however. A tiny 4 year old with the attention span of a gnat wore me out! Me and the rest of the volunteers always look so tired after 2 hours of playing with kids a third of our size. What gives?

Sunday was the usual 8 hour trip to Wisconsin. Random pic, but on the way there we always pass the Osh Kosh Correctional Facility:

I think it's funny that when you pass places like that, there tends to be signs all around the perimeter warning drivers to not pick up hitchhikers. Hmmm, wonder why?

Here's to another great week. (Sigh) summer is winding down...
Last but not least, a special hello to Spec from All Things Chill and Princess P. Thanks for the links guys - you rock! It made my day. :)


Princess Pessimism said...

You should have taken a picture of that sign "Do not pick up Hitch hikers"...LOL.

That would have been funny

Anonymous said...

Nice picture I was hoping you were going to put that up. You can come to the dark side whenever you want. Call michelle and play at her house or call me and you can play over. =)

joy said...

Hehe I'm really regretting not taking a pic of those signs. One of these days...

Thanks for the invite Josh - but beware I might take you up on it! You're feeding me crack I tell ya'!

Anonymous said...

I am not a dealer of crack ....I am the dealer of donuts with crack sprinkles. Still the same adictive product just better packaging. You should go play with michelle after dinner tonight

Sylvana said...