Monday, August 08, 2005

Daily Clicks

It's Monday.

Many of you probably have this on your daily click list but in case you've never visited these sites...

Have you checked this week's PostSecret?
New secrets posted yesterday. I love this site! Raw and humorous.

And on the not so serious side, check out:
Pink is the New Blog
Friggin' hilarious star news from Trent's pov.


Anonymous said...

YOU HAVE A BLOG?!?! All this time... I've wanted to know what goes through your mind because of your amazing pictures.

I'm just saying hello. Don't mind me... I'll be in the corner reading all your posts. :)


joy said...

Hey what up Spec? I've got some work to do to make it shiny and spiffy but eh, this is a beginning. Thanks for stopping by my little blog and I will definitely be checking out yours :)