Sunday, May 15, 2005

Sesame Seeds and Tamarind Juice

That dreaded time of the month. This month's food cravings center around sesame seed food products and tamarind juice extra sour. Store bought brands are too sweet for me so I went out of my way to go to a Mediterranean grocery store to pick up some tamarind paste so I could make it to my liking. I couldn't find it myself so I asked a store employee, a teenager with broken english and a mustache grown with the purpose of looking like a bad-ass grown man. He told me to make the juice, I needed "this much" rose water and gave me a thumbs up.


The whole jar of paste and the thumbs up was good to make enough juice that fit a container so and so big which he indicated by motioning some sort of boxlike shape with his hands.


My dad and I were too confused by the conversation so we just went with the flow and bought the items. So I bring the container home. It's instructions read "One teaspoon for 6 persons for specific tastes of soups, stews, gravies, sambar, rasam, etc. in any cold, warm or hot preparation." So it seems any way you use it, one teaspoon for 6 persons is the appropriate ratio, hehe. Wonder what sambar and rasam are...Anyways I made a couple of attempts at making the juice and they came out pretty damn good if I say so myself. An hour stomach is making noises...Uh oh...I googled tamarind juice and apparently it's a mild laxative. I think you can figure out the rest.

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