Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Meet Big Daddy

My new co-worker rocks! For more than a year my group at work was short staffed and we've finally gotten someone who is a perfect fit. He's got tons of experience, is totally competent, funny as heck and as the ultimate sign of approval, even got anointed with one of Ms. Patricia's nicknames. Henceforth, Rick is... Big Daddy! (In case you're wondering, my nickname is Little Momma.) To top it off, BD has a larger Tagalog vocabulary than I do - and he's Mexican! Him and Mildred are having so much fun conversing in Tagalog and taunting me with my inability to join in.

Things are going alright at work for now, but hopefully it will get even better next week. The first real attempt at leaving helljob starts next Tuesday with an interview I managed to score. I hate interviews. Never felt comfortable being in the hot seat. I'm trying to be optimistic but they're looking for someone with ~10 years experience! I'm thinking "Did they not look at the year I graduated college?". But the HR rep said they liked my resume despite the lack of experience. I guess that's a good thing but still I'm worried about what their expectations are... At the very least this will be good interview practice for when something more appropriate comes up. Weird side note: I have to take three written tests before I do my interview rounds. Not sure how I feel about that.

Ok, enough overthinking. Just had to get all the anxiety out of my system.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Little Momma! Wow three written tests huh? That's two more than I've ever had for any job interview. No matter, I'm confident you'll do fine. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Yup yup! Good luck and before you go... see if you can grab me some "test cookies"!!!!



joy said...

Thanks for the good luck wishes!
I will really need some luck the way this is looking. :/
Cross your fingers for me!