Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Sweet Smelling Sweater Salad

This is my boy Xin's dream girl.

I just couldn't resist... please don't kill me. :)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You B!tch!!! =) That girl is nasty but the gold pants are strangely sttractive...

Oh yeah, you sure do get a lot of spam on your comments. Is that normal?

Anonymous said...

a lot of 'blog' software doesnt bother to check if the HTTP_REFERER environmental variable is set to the actual posting page of the comment form--thus people can spam the hell out of it with bots--which is rather unfortunate.

Thats one of the many reasons that I use LJ.

joy said...

The spam comes and goes. It's usually right when I publish so I just delete them right on the spot. Not too bad but, yeah it's time to turn on word verification for commenting now to stop this crap.

Hahaha X! The pants are the icing on the cake! Did you see at the bottom a link for "Sweater Girl - Hip Hop Remix"?