Saturday, August 05, 2006

Greetings From Peru

Hellloooo everyone!!!
Me and Mich(-elle ´cause that´s what she prefers) are here in Cusco, Peru!
It is COLD. My number one tip is dress like it´s late fall because you will freeze your ass off like I am doing right now.

She found internet!!! Too bad it´s a 15 minute limit.

ok bye =)


Anonymous said...

Have fun! Make sure you try some of that BBQ guinea pig. =)

joy said...

I can´t bring myself to do it... I mean they´re some people pets and stuff! Eww! But the locals say it´s good.

I can´t eat alpaca meat yet either. All I can picture is a llama face and i lost my appetite. =(

Anonymous said...

I bet you they all taste like chicken. If I was there I would try it. =)

Anonymous said...

Glad you gals are having a blast!
Did you meet any hot Peruvian-Chinese men yet?!

Tell Mi(t)ch! I am singing that chant:
Mi(t)ch, Mi(t)ch, Bo...Never Mind! =)

P.S. I like that spelling better