Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Time To Break Out the Haagen Dazs

My horoscopes have been eerily applicable to me lately. For example:

Horoscopes For Today: 7/18/2006
Leo: There's nothing wrong with being indecisive -- it shows that you're taking all your options seriously. So don't listen to folks who tell you to hurry on up today. Don't worry about taking too long to come to your conclusions, because you need to feel comfortable with where you put your energy and time. And if you need to change your mind, that's okay, too -- you're entitled to do that every once in a while. Take the pressure off of yourself!

Don't want to think anymore. I need sleep. Hopefully resolution will come soon.


Anonymous said...

I hope everything is going well Joy... I know what's it's like to try to leave a place that won't let you go.

(says the guy that left everything to move to San Francisco)

I wish you luck!


Anonymous said...

Did SL give you a counter offer or did you sign some sort of binding contract? In any event have fun with it and hopefully you can squeeze more money out of them. I'm sure you make a good decision when the time comes.