Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wordpress or Movable Type

I've been thinking of moving this blog to Wordpress or Movable Type for a while now. While Blogger is fairly simple to use and anyone can comment, I've found it to be pretty limited in that I can't customize it the way I want to. Wordpress and Movable Type both look like good alternatives but I wasn't too sure what advantages one platform had over the other. However, today I was doing my daily reading over at mexicanpictures.com/headingeast (which is a fantastic blog, may I add) and Raul has shed some light on each application. Good reading if you're thinking of moving too. Now I just need to find the time to play with some colors and start moving this thing which, knowing my procrastinator ways, most likely won't be for a long while...


Anonymous said...

Wordpress is very robust for those who want it to be. A lot of high profile sites have gone the way of WP as their format of choice. Try both, but I think that you'd like WP *that* much better.

Hope you're doing well,


Anonymous said...

I'm a happy Movable Type user (I switched over from Blogger too and I help my sister with her Wordpress blog). I've found the nice thing about movable type is that the syntax is somewhat similar to blogger so it's familiar. Wordpress while robust and easy to install can be complicated to manage by comparison especially if you are trying to do fancy things with the archives. Also Wordpress can be tweaky with minor typos causing major problems. In MT the machinery is hidden so the worst you can do by editing templates is screw up the way the blog looks, not take the whole thing down. The article does a good job explaining the pluses and minus.