Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A 'Lil Update

Don't you love it when you find out at work that you've been doing something wrong for 3 years? Mother f!
Anyways, on to better things. I'm sooo excited but so very broke. Summer is almost here, which means: vacation! I'm gettin' closer and closer to having the two big trips planned out for the year. Trip 1: Back to San Fran in May for almost a week, this time with the family. Dude I can't wait - I need a vacation and now! Trip 2: out of the country - nope not Greece, instead we're going to a hot Latin American country with gorgeous mountains and ruins (more details later). Yes! It's all a matter of counting down now...


Anonymous said...

Wow sounds like two fun trips! I need another vacation! Too bad I aready spent mine in SF.

joy said...

Hehe well the SF trip was kinda involuntary but hey, I love it there so I don't mind going back. Don't rule out taking another vacation just yet :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun, Jose! Ask Eddie for advice on where to go, what to eat!