Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bright Spot

Whenever I talk of deviating from the safe, stable science career route I'm currently on, my mom gets this look in her eyes like she's pretending she doesn't hear what I'm saying. She's not much of a risk taker so she doesn't like it when I even slightly suggest I would do anything other than traditional occupations.

But I know her weak spot. She is one huge flower lover. Yes, how typically asian mom-ish. And while I would take pics of nature stuff anyways because I love it myself, I like showing it to her because I think she secretly swoons over my shots. She's starting to see how important this has become to me and actually compliments me. (You don't know hard it is to get a compliment from this woman.) She even suggested I take it up semi- professionally. While I am light years away from actually doing that, it's nice to have my mom finally support me in something. :)

1 comment:

Gold said...

Chase your dreams. "Safe" doesn't make for a life you love.